Hebammenwesen | UNESCO Immaterielles Kulturerbe
Die berg hammer film hat mit dem Kurzfilm “Midwifery” dazu beigetragen, dass das Hebammenwesen von der UNESCO zum Immateriellen Kulturerbe erklärt wurde!
Das Hebammenwesen wurde von acht Staaten für die UNESCO-Liste nominiert. An dem Antrag beteiligte sich Deutschland gemeinsam mit Kirgisistan, Kolumbien, Luxemburg, Nigeria, Slowenien, Togo und Zypern.

Die Knoedel “Wunderrad” Musikvideo
Ready for take-off ist unser neues Musikvideo anlässlich der Veröffentlichung des neuen Albums “Wunderrad” der Knoedel

WEG DAMIT | Franz-Grabner-Preis Auszeichnung
WE DID IT AGAIN und freuen uns riesig über die Auszeichnung für unseren Film WEG DAMIT – Die Kunst der Entsorgung.
Am 23. März 2023 fand im Rahmen eines Festakts bei der Diagonale in Graz die Verleihung des Franz-Grabner-Preises für humanistisches Dokumentarfilmschaffen statt.

WEG DAMIT | Franz-Grabner-Preis Nominierung
Wir freuen uns riesig, dass unser Film WEG DAMIT – Die Kunst der Entsorgung für den Franz-Grabner-Preis 2023 in der Kategorie ‘Bester Fernseh-Dokumentarfilm’ nominiert ist! Der Preis wird auf der Diagonale’23 im Rahmen eines Festaktes am 23.03.2023 verliehen.

GET RID OF IT – The Art of Disposal | free TV premiere
The rhythm of garbage men and women who are doing what needs to be done. Collecting what is to be disposed of. The discarded. The displaced. Fragments of human biographies, compressed into press bales. GED RID OF IT – The Art of Disposal will be broadcasted for the first time on Sunday, October 2nd 2022 at 23:05 on ORF2 and will then be available online for 7 days in the ORF TVthek.

HEART BEATS | Funding approval
Our children's film project HEART BEATS has received a grant from ÖFI for script development!
And almost at the same time, writer & director Johanna Lietha landed a residency in the CINEKID SCRIPT LAB script development program.

LET IT COME SLOWLY | Franz-Grabner-Preis Nomination
We are very excited that our film LET IT COME SLOWLY - Becoming a midwife is nominated for the Franz Grabner Award 2022 in the category 'Best Television Documentary'! The prize will be awarded at the Diagonale'22 on April 7th.

NATURAL JUICES | on German Television
"NATURAL JUICES – Bodily Fluids sold as Goods" will premiere on German Television on 26 January 2022. The film is shown at 9.45 pm on ARD alpha!
The Bayrische Rundfunk will present the film again on March 9 at 10.45 pm.

POETRY IN WASTE | 1st day of shooting
is a documentary road movie in which Elisabeth von Samsonow examines garbage as the excrement of our society and accompanies the manifold activities of the collectors, sorters and transporters of waste management in a philosophically pointed way.

TOP SEKRET | TV premiere
TOP SEKRET will trickle across the screens for the first time on Sunday, 2021/11/21 at 11:11 p.m. on ORF 2 and will then be available on the TVthek for seven days.

TOP SEKRET: It's a wrap!
Our current project, the documentary TOP SEKRET by Karin Berghammer in co-production with ORF Kultur and Bayerischer Rundfunk is in the final stages of post-production.

GLORY TO THE QUEEN | FC Gloria Salon & VOD Release
GLORY TO THE QUEEN by Tatia Skhirtladze will be screened on 05 October 2021 as part of the FC Gloria Salon at the Admiralkino.
For all of you, who don't have time to come to the cinema, we have more good news: the film is now available on Vimeo on Demand!

TOP SEKRET | Sperm in Bavaria
In the first shooting phase of our new TV documentary TOP SEKRET (directed by Karin Berghammer) we got up close to the bodily fluids breast milk, blood and semen using an electron microscope (among other things). After this first immersion in the fluids we now follow the sperm to Bavaria!

GLORY TO THE QUEEN | @ Diagonale
We are happy to announce that GLORY TO THE QUEEN by Tatia Skhirtladze will be screened in competition at the Diagonale.
The original version with English subtitles will be shown on Thu 10/06 at 13:00 and on Sun 13/06 at 16:30.

TOP SEKRET | Start of filming
While our chess queens from GLORY TO THE QUEEN are finally on screen, we start filming TOP SEKRET, our new TV documentary in co-production with ORF Kultur and Bayrischer Rundfunk about the bodily fluids breast milk, blood and semen.

GLORY TO THE QUEEN, Tatia Skhirtladze's film about the Georgian chess queens Nona Gaprindashvili, Nana Alexandria, Maia Chiburdanidze and Nana Ioseliani, is nominated for the ROMY industry awards in the category "Best Documentary Cinema"!

GLORY TO THE QUEEN | Cinema Release Austria
Please start the clocks for GLORY TO THE QUEEN. Our chess masters Nona Gaprindashvili, Nana Alexandria, Maia Chiburdanidze & Nana Ioseliani open the next batch on Friday: The cinema release in Austria is on Friday, 23.04.2021.

LET IT COME SLOWLY accompanies four young women training to be midwives through different phases of their studies.
On 20th December 2021, the documentary will see the light of day on ORF2 and will then be available for 7 days online in the ORF TVthek .