GLORY TO THE QUEEN | Premiere in Austria
Tatia Skhirtladze's documentary on the topic of women's chess will be shown in Austria for the first time on 12 December 2020. After successful festival screenings at CinéDoc Tbilisi, an audience award at Slobodna Zona / Free Zone Festival in Serbia and an honourable mention at Doqumenta 2020 in Mexico, we are curious to see how the film will be perceived here in Austria.

GLORY TO THE QUEEN | World premiere at CinéDOC-Tbilisi
Tatia Skhirtladze's film about the 4 legendary female chess players Nona Gaprindashvili, Nana Alexandria, Nana Ioseliani and Maia Chiburdanidze will celebrate its world premiere on Friday, 4 September 2021 in the amphitheatre of the elegant Samba Hotel in Tbilisi.

A LIFE FOR THE DEAD | Broadcasting dates
We are pleased to announce two broadcasting dates for A LIFE FOR THE DEAD. The documentary by Karin Berghammer & Krisztina Kerekes will be shown on ORF2 on 01.11.2019 and on 3SAT on 02.11.2019.

Sarah Hurtes interviewed our co-directors Tatia Skhirtladze & Anna Khazaradze about GLORY TO THE QUEEN in March 2019. We learn about their motives and motivation for making the documentary.

A LIFE FOR THE DEAD | Franz-Grabner-Preis
The Franz Grabner Prize, endowed with € 5,000 €, was awarded at the Diagonale'19 in Graz. Among this year's winners are Karin Berghammer and Krisztina Kerekes with A LIFE FOR THE DEAD in the category of television documentary.

The touring exhibition "See it, be it! Irgendwas mit Film!" will be opening on Wednesday, 6 March at 12:00 in the auditorium of St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences.
As part of the opening event there will be a panel discussion with Karin Berghammer (producer, director, board member of FC Gloria - Frauen Vernetzung Film).

A LIFE FOR THE DEAD | Franz-Grabner-Preis Nomination
We are pleased to announce that we have been nominated for the Franz Grabner Award in the category TV documentary with A LIFE FOR THE DEAD. The award, endowed with 5,000€, will be presented at the Diagonale'19.

We find out about death, the Central Cemetery and above all about A LIFE FOR THE DEAD in the ORF "Nachlese".

GLORY TO THE QUEEN | Eurimages confirmation of funding
We are delighted to have received confirmation of funding from EURIMAGES for our documentary GLORY TO THE QUEEN (formerly: The Encounter). In its December meeting, the European funding fund made commitments to 11 feature films and one documentary film amounting to almost 3.2 million euros. Three Austrian (co-)productions received confirmations.

GLORY TO THE QUEEN | Filming in Georgia
GLORY TO THE QUEEN (formerly: The Encounter) Shooting in Georgia BATUMI: Tatia Skhirtladze's The Encounter (now: GLORY TO THE QUEEN), a Georgian/Austrian/Serbian documentary about the reuniting