WEG DAMIT | Franz-Grabner-Preis Nominierung

Wir freuen uns riesig, dass unser Film WEG DAMIT – Die Kunst der Entsorgung für den Franz-Grabner-Preis 2023 in der Kategorie ‘Bester Fernseh-Dokumentarfilm’ nominiert ist! Der Preis wird auf der Diagonale’23 im Rahmen eines Festaktes am 23.03.2023 verliehen.

GET RID OF IT – The Art of Disposal | free TV premiere

The rhythm of garbage men and women who are doing what needs to be done. Collecting what is to be disposed of. The discarded. The displaced. Fragments of human biographies, compressed into press bales. GED RID OF IT – The Art of Disposal will be broadcasted for the first time on Sunday, October 2nd 2022 at 23:05 on ORF2 and will then be available online for 7 days in the ORF TVthek.

HEART BEATS | Funding approval

Our children's film project HEART BEATS has received a grant from ÖFI for script development!
And almost at the same time, writer & director Johanna Lietha landed a residency in the CINEKID SCRIPT LAB script development program.